Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I think globalization is an ongoing process regardless if it is good or evil - it's a fact and people will have to learn to live with it. Personally, I think globalization is good, as long as it doesn't explicitly destroy traditions. For example, I like buying products of the same brand in the US and at home, in the EU. I don't know what I would do without Philadelphia cream cheese or Wasa knäckerbrot, but being able to buy them both here and at home makes me feel good. I don't feel so lost here, because I see familiar things.

But I think this is only because I grew up with globalization. This needs to be a long process though: you can't go from a tradition-based society to a globalized society in a year. Countries that hold up globalization saying that it's bad for their country, actually make the situation worse, because they don't let their country go through a step by step process. Globalization will reach everyone because of the internet, I think this is not a question. The question is how countries react to it. Yes, globalization might be evil if you want to keep controlling people and don't want them to see what's going on in countries...

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